Ĭhristopher Poole, 4chan's founder, at XOXO Festival in 2012 The Guardian summarized the 4chan community of 2008 as "lunatic, juvenile (.) brilliant, ridiculous and alarming". The majority of posting on 4chan takes place on imageboards, where users have the ability to share images and create threaded discussions. The site's homepage lists 70 imageboards and one Flash animation board, divided into seven categories: Japanese Culture, Video Games, Interests, Creative, Other, Misc. Each board has its own set of rules and is dedicated to a specific topic, variously including anime and manga, video games, music, literature, fitness, politics, and sports, among others. As of 2019, the /pol/ (Politically Incorrect), /v/ (Video Games), /vg/ (Video Games Generals), and /b/ (Random) boards receive the most daily posts. Ĥchan is the Internet's most trafficked imageboard, according to the Los Angeles Times. 4chan's Alexa rank is 1042 as of June 2020 though it has been as high as 56. It is provided to its users free of charge and consumes a large amount of bandwidth as a result, its financing has often been problematic. Poole has acknowledged that donations alone could not keep the site online, and turned to advertising to help make ends meet. However, the explicit content hosted on 4chan has deterred businesses who do not want to be associated with the site's content. In January 2009, Poole signed a new deal with an advertising company in February 2009, he was $20,000 in debt, and the site was continuing to lose money. The 4chan servers were moved from Texas to California in August 2008, which upgraded the maximum bandwidth throughput of 4chan from 100Mbit/s to 1Gbit/s.

Unlike most web forums, 4chan does not have a registration system, allowing users to post anonymously.

Any nickname may be used when posting, even one that has been previously adopted, such as "Anonymous" or "moot".